The Battle of SCP 049 vs SCP 035 Who would win?

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 17, 2024
Last Updated

The world of SCP Foundation contains a vast array of anomalous and enigmatic entities, known as SCPs. Among these, SCP 049 and SCP 035 stand as formidable forces, their clash a spectacle that would shake the very foundations of reality. In this article, we will delve into the abilities and strengths of these two powerful SCPs, and explore who would emerge victorious in a battle between them.

Introduction to SCP 049 and SCP 035

SCP 049, also referred to as the Plague Doctor, is a tall, enigmatic figure clad in a black robe and beaked mask. Possessing a keen intellect and a sadistic demeanor, 049 is driven by a twisted belief that he is a physician tasked with curing humanity of a deadly plague. However, his cure is anything but benign: he fatally touches his victims and proceeds to perform gruesome dissections, claiming to release them from their suffering.

SCP 049 vs SCP 035

SCP 035, on the other hand, is a sentient being residing within a porcelain mask. It possesses the ability to possess and control living beings, manipulating their actions and thoughts to its will. 035 is cunning, deceptive, and revels in the chaos it creates, often targeting vulnerable individuals or those who possess valuable information.

SCP 049's Abilities and Strengths

SCP 049 exhibits a range of anomalous abilities that make him a formidable opponent.

Pestilence Touch

049's primary weapon is his touch, which inoculates victims with a deadly plague. This plague rapidly consumes its victims from the inside out, causing excruciating pain and ultimately leading to their demise. The effects of this touch are irreversible, making it a highly effective and lethal weapon.

Enhanced Strength and Durability

In addition to his pestilence touch, SCP 049 also possesses enhanced strength and durability. He is able to overpower and subdue his victims with ease, and has been observed to withstand significant amounts of damage without showing signs of injury. This makes him a formidable physical opponent in any battle.

Intelligence and Manipulation

SCP 049 is not just a mindless killer, but a highly intelligent and manipulative entity. He is skilled at using psychological tactics to lure his victims into his trap, often posing as a friendly physician before revealing his true intentions. His ability to manipulate and deceive others makes him a dangerous adversary in any confrontation.

SCP 035's Abilities and Strengths

SCP 035 also possesses a range of anomalous abilities that make it a formidable opponent.


The most notable ability of SCP 035 is its power to possess and control living beings. It can enter the body of its host through any opening, such as the mouth or nose, and take control of their actions and thoughts. This possession is nearly impossible to resist, making it a powerful tool for manipulation and control.

Mind Control

In addition to possession, SCP 035 also has the ability to control the minds of those it possesses. It can implant false memories, alter perceptions, and even erase memories altogether. This makes it a dangerous foe, as it can easily manipulate and control its victims to do its bidding.


SCP 035 has also demonstrated the ability to shapeshift, taking on the appearance of its host or any other form it desires. This allows it to blend in seamlessly with its surroundings and deceive its victims even further. Its shapeshifting abilities also make it difficult to track and contain, as it can change its appearance at will.

Comparison of SCP 049 and SCP 035

Both SCP 049 and SCP 035 possess unique and powerful abilities, making them evenly matched opponents. However, there are some key differences between them that could give one the upper hand in a battle.

Physical Strength

In terms of physical strength, SCP 049 has the advantage. His enhanced strength and durability make him a formidable opponent in close combat. However, SCP 035's possession and mind control abilities could potentially level the playing field, as it can take control of 049's body and use his strength against him.

Intelligence and Manipulation

Both SCP 049 and SCP 035 are highly intelligent and skilled at manipulation. However, SCP 035's ability to control the minds of its victims gives it an edge in this aspect. It could potentially manipulate SCP 049 into believing that it is on his side, only to turn on him when he least expects it.


In terms of lethality, SCP 049 has the upper hand. His pestilence touch is a deadly weapon that can kill his victims quickly and without mercy. While SCP 035's possession and mind control abilities are powerful, they do not have the same level of lethality as 049's touch.

SCP 049 vs SCP 035: Who Would Win?

It is difficult to determine who would emerge victorious in a battle between SCP 049 and SCP 035. Both possess unique and powerful abilities that could give them the upper hand in different scenarios. However, if we were to pit them against each other in a controlled environment, there are a few possible outcomes.

If SCP 049 were to get close enough to touch SCP 035, it would most likely be able to kill it with its pestilence touch. However, SCP 035's shapeshifting abilities could potentially allow it to evade 049's touch and gain the upper hand. On the other hand, if SCP 035 were to successfully possess SCP 049, it could use his strength and abilities to its advantage and defeat him.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between SCP 049 and SCP 035 would depend on the circumstances and how each SCP utilizes their abilities.

Who is Stronger, SCP 049 or SCP 035?

It is impossible to determine who is stronger between SCP 049 and SCP 035. Both possess unique and powerful abilities that make them evenly matched opponents. While SCP 049 has enhanced strength and a deadly touch, SCP 035 has possession and mind control abilities that could give it an advantage in a battle.

Fictional Story: Battle of SCP 049 vs SCP 035

In a remote location deep within the SCP Foundation's containment facility, SCP 049 and SCP 035 were pitted against each other in a controlled battle. The researchers wanted to observe how these two powerful SCPs would interact and potentially neutralize each other.

As soon as the doors to their respective containment chambers opened, SCP 049 and SCP 035 locked eyes. 049 immediately lunged towards 035, his beaked mask glinting in the dimly lit room. However, SCP 035 was quick to evade his touch, shapeshifting into a smaller form and slipping through 049's fingers.

The two SCPs engaged in a game of cat and mouse, with SCP 049 relentlessly pursuing SCP 035. However, 035 was able to use its shapeshifting abilities to evade 049's touch and even possess him for brief moments, causing him to stumble and lose his balance.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that neither SCP could gain the upper hand. SCP 049's physical strength and pestilence touch were countered by SCP 035's possession and mind control abilities. It seemed like the battle would continue indefinitely until the researchers intervened and separated the two SCPs.


In conclusion, the battle between SCP 049 and SCP 035 would be a clash of titans, with no clear winner. Both possess unique and powerful abilities that make them evenly matched opponents. While SCP 049 has enhanced strength and a deadly touch, SCP 035 has possession and mind control abilities that could give it an advantage in a battle. Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between these two SCPs would depend on the circumstances and how each SCP utilizes their abilities.

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