SCP 096 vs SCP 173: Who Would Win? Who is Stronger?

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 2 12, 2024
Last Updated

SCP 096 vs SCP 173, denizens of the SCP Foundation's containment facility, are anomalies of unfathomable power and malevolent intent. Their names are synonymous with the macabre, their potential for destruction immense. These two supernatural beings have captured the imagination of many, sparking debates and discussions about who would win in a battle between them. In this article, we will delve into the abilities and strengths of SCP 096 and SCP 173, compare them, and ultimately determine who would emerge victorious in a showdown between these two formidable creatures.

SCP 096: The Shy Guy

SCP 096, also known as The Shy Guy, is an enigmatic humanoid creature whose appearance is anything but unassuming. Standing at an imposing height of approximately two meters, its lean physique is devoid of any discernible facial features save for its mouth—a gaping chasm of jagged teeth that gnash and gnash in perpetual anticipation. SCP 096's skin, a sickly, pallid white, is devoid of any discernible pigment, its eyes concealed beneath drooping eyelids that never seem to rise.

SCP 096 vs SCP 173

The true horror of SCP 096 lies not in its grotesque visage but in its anomalous properties. When in a state of calm, SCP 096 is remarkably docile, showing no signs of aggression or hostility. However, when any individual, apart from its designated handlers, catches sight of its countenance, a profound transformation ensues. The creature enters a state of extreme agitation, its normally slack jaw distending grotesquely, emitting blood-curdling shrieks that pierce the very soul.

SCP 096's Abilities and Strengths

SCP 096's most notable ability is its extreme sensitivity to being viewed by anyone who is not its designated handlers. This triggers a violent and unstoppable rage in the creature, causing it to relentlessly pursue and attack the individual who saw its face. It has been observed that SCP 096 can run at incredibly high speeds, easily catching up to its targets even when they are attempting to flee.

In addition to its speed and strength, SCP 096 also possesses incredible regenerative abilities. It has been reported that the creature can heal from severe injuries within minutes, making it nearly invulnerable in a physical confrontation. Its heightened senses and agility also make it a formidable opponent in close combat situations.

SCP 173: The Sculpture

SCP 173, also known as The Sculpture, is a humanoid entity that resembles a crudely constructed statue made of concrete and rebar. It stands at approximately two meters tall and has no discernible facial features, save for a crude smile carved into its face. Despite its seemingly harmless appearance, SCP 173 is an extremely dangerous and hostile entity.

SCP 173's anomalous properties manifest when it is not being observed. In this state, it becomes highly aggressive and will attack any living being within its vicinity. However, when someone is looking directly at it, SCP 173 will become completely motionless, as if frozen in time. This makes it difficult to contain, as it requires constant monitoring to prevent it from escaping.

SCP 173's Abilities and Strengths

SCP 173's main ability is its ability to move at incredibly high speeds when it is not being observed. This makes it a formidable opponent in close combat situations, as it can quickly close the distance between itself and its target. It also possesses immense strength, able to break through walls and other barriers with ease.

One of SCP 173's greatest strengths is its ability to regenerate. When damaged, it will quickly heal itself, making it nearly invulnerable in a physical confrontation. Its ability to become completely motionless when observed also gives it an advantage in battles, as it can easily catch its opponents off guard.

Comparison of SCP 096 and SCP 173

SCP 096 SCP 173
Extreme sensitivity to being viewed by anyone who is not its designated handlers Becomes highly aggressive when not being observed
Can run at incredibly high speeds Moves at high speeds when not being observed
Possesses incredible regenerative abilities Has the ability to regenerate quickly
Heightened senses and agility Immense strength
Relentlessly pursues and attacks those who see its face Attacks any living being within its vicinity
Requires constant monitoring to prevent escape Can become completely motionless when observed

From this comparison, it is clear that both SCP 096 and SCP 173 are formidable entities with unique abilities and strengths. While SCP 096 has the advantage of speed and agility, SCP 173's strength and regenerative abilities make it a formidable opponent. However, in a head-to-head battle, which one would emerge victorious?

SCP 096 vs SCP 173: Who Would Win?

The answer to this question is not a simple one. Both SCP 096 and SCP 173 possess powerful abilities and strengths, making it difficult to determine a clear winner. However, there are some factors that could potentially sway the outcome of a battle between these two entities.

One crucial factor to consider is SCP 096's extreme sensitivity to being viewed. If SCP 173 were to look directly at SCP 096, it would trigger its violent rage, causing it to relentlessly pursue and attack SCP 173. In this scenario, SCP 096 would have the upper hand, as SCP 173 would be unable to move while being observed.

On the other hand, SCP 173's ability to become completely motionless when observed could also give it an advantage. If SCP 096 were to catch a glimpse of SCP 173's face, it would enter its agitated state, but SCP 173 would remain motionless, making it difficult for SCP 096 to attack.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between SCP 096 and SCP 173 would depend on the circumstances and the abilities of each entity. However, considering SCP 096's extreme sensitivity to being viewed, it is likely that it would emerge victorious in a one-on-one confrontation.

Who is Stronger, SCP 096 or SCP 173?

It is impossible to determine which entity is stronger, as they possess different abilities and strengths. While SCP 096 has the advantage of speed and agility, SCP 173 has immense strength and regenerative abilities. In a battle, it would ultimately come down to which entity's abilities are more effective in that particular situation.

Fictional Story: Battle of SCP 096 vs SCP 173

To further explore the potential outcome of a battle between SCP 096 and SCP 173, let us imagine a fictional scenario where these two entities come face to face.

SCP 096 had escaped from its containment cell, causing chaos and destruction in its wake. The SCP Foundation immediately went into high alert, dispatching their best agents to contain the creature before it caused any more harm. Meanwhile, SCP 173 had also managed to break out of its containment, causing panic among the Foundation staff.

As the two entities roamed the facility, they eventually came across each other in a dimly lit corridor. SCP 096 caught sight of SCP 173's face, triggering its violent rage. It let out a blood-curdling shriek and charged towards SCP 173, its long arms reaching out to grab its opponent.

However, SCP 173 quickly became motionless, catching SCP 096 off guard. It attempted to attack SCP 173, but its blows were ineffective against the concrete and rebar that made up its body. SCP 173 took advantage of this and delivered a powerful blow to SCP 096, causing it to stumble back.

The two entities engaged in a fierce battle, with SCP 096 using its speed and agility to dodge SCP 173's attacks. However, SCP 173's strength proved to be too much for SCP 096, and it soon found itself on the losing end of the fight. Just when it seemed like SCP 173 would emerge victorious, SCP 096 let out another blood-curdling shriek, causing SCP 173 to become motionless once again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, SCP 096 delivered a powerful blow to SCP 173, shattering it into pieces. With its opponent defeated, SCP 096 let out a triumphant roar before returning to its containment cell.


In the battle between SCP 096 and SCP 173, it is likely that SCP 096 would emerge victorious due to its extreme sensitivity to being viewed by anyone who is not its designated handlers. However, both entities possess unique abilities and strengths, making it difficult to determine a clear winner. Ultimately, it would depend on the circumstances and the abilities of each entity in a particular situation. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: a battle between these two formidable creatures would be a sight to behold, and the outcome would be nothing short of catastrophic.

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