Scp 343 vs Scp 001 Gate Guardian Who Would Win?

Nguyễn Minh Khánh
tháng 3 07, 2024
Last Updated

Within this vast collection of SCPs, there are two that stand out as some of the most powerful and enigmatic Scp 343 vs Scp 001 Gate Guardian. These two entities possess incredible abilities and strengths, making them formidable opponents in any situation. In this article, we will delve into the powers and capabilities of Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian, and ultimately determine who would come out on top in a battle between these two powerful SCPs.

Introduction to Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian

Scp 343, also known as "God," is a humanoid entity with reality-bending powers. It is described as a middle-aged man with a long beard and a kind demeanor. Despite its seemingly benevolent nature, Scp 343's powers are not to be underestimated. It is capable of altering the fabric of reality on a whim, and it can create and destroy matter and energy at will. It is also immune to all physical and mental attacks, making it nearly invincible.

Scp 343 vs Scp 001 Gate Guardian
Scp 343 vs Scp 001 Gate Guardian

On the other hand, Scp 001 Gate Guardian is a massive, sentient statue that guards the entrance to a pocket dimension. It is described as a towering figure with wings and a sword, and its appearance alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of those who encounter it. Scp 001 Gate Guardian possesses a variety of powerful abilities, including teleportation, energy projection, and reality warping. It is also incredibly strong and durable, making it a formidable opponent in any battle.

Now that we have an understanding of the basic characteristics of Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian, let us dive deeper into their individual abilities and strengths.

Scp 343's Abilities and Strengths

Scp 343 is one of the most powerful SCPs in existence, and for good reason. Its reality-bending powers give it an almost god-like status, and it has been observed to use its abilities in a variety of ways. Some of Scp 343's most notable abilities include:

Reality Bending

As mentioned earlier, Scp 343 has the power to alter the fabric of reality itself. This means that it can manipulate the laws of physics, time, and space to its will. It can create or destroy matter and energy, change the properties of objects, and even bring things into existence out of thin air. This ability alone makes Scp 343 a formidable opponent, as it can essentially control the outcome of any battle.


In addition to its reality-bending powers, Scp 343 also has the ability to teleport. It can transport itself and others to any location, regardless of distance or barriers. This makes it nearly impossible to contain or trap, as it can simply teleport away from any danger.

Immunity to Physical and Mental Attacks

One of the most unique and powerful abilities of Scp 343 is its immunity to all physical and mental attacks. This means that no weapon or form of physical harm can harm it, and it is also impervious to any form of mind control or manipulation. This makes it virtually invincible in battle, as it cannot be harmed by any conventional means.

Scp 001 Gate Guardian's Abilities and Strengths

While Scp 343 may seem unbeatable with its reality-bending powers, Scp 001 Gate Guardian is also a very powerful SCP in its own right. It possesses a variety of abilities that make it a formidable opponent, including:


Similar to Scp 343, Scp 001 Gate Guardian also has the ability to teleport. However, it is limited to only teleporting within its designated area of guarding the entrance to the pocket dimension. This still gives it an advantage in battle, as it can quickly move around and surprise its opponents.

Energy Projection

Scp 001 Gate Guardian has the ability to project powerful blasts of energy from its sword. These blasts are strong enough to destroy buildings and cause significant damage to its surroundings. This makes it a formidable opponent in long-range combat.

Reality Warping

Another one of Scp 001 Gate Guardian's abilities is reality warping. It can manipulate the environment around it, creating barriers or obstacles to protect itself or attack its enemies. It can also alter the properties of objects, making them stronger or weaker depending on its needs.

Invulnerability to Most Attacks

Similar to Scp 343, Scp 001 Gate Guardian is also nearly invulnerable to most attacks. Its massive size and durability make it difficult to harm, and its reality-warping abilities allow it to defend itself against any threats.

Comparison of Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian

Now that we have explored the individual abilities and strengths of Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian, let us compare them side by side to determine who would come out on top in a battle between these two powerful SCPs.

SCP Abilities Strengths
Scp 343 - Reality-bending - Teleportation - Immunity to physical and mental attacks - Can alter the laws of physics - Can create and destroy matter and energy - Nearly invincible
Scp 001 Gate Guardian - Teleportation - Energy projection - Reality warping - Invulnerability to most attacks - Can project powerful energy blasts - Can manipulate the environment - Nearly invulnerable

As we can see from the table above, both Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian possess incredibly powerful abilities and strengths. However, there are a few key differences that could determine the outcome of a battle between them.

Scp 343's reality-bending powers give it an advantage in terms of versatility and control over the battlefield. It can essentially do anything it wants, making it difficult for Scp 001 Gate Guardian to defend itself. However, Scp 001 Gate Guardian's energy projection and reality warping abilities give it an advantage in long-range combat and defense.

In terms of physical strength and durability, both SCPs are evenly matched. They are both nearly invulnerable to most attacks, making it difficult for either one to harm the other. However, Scp 343's immunity to all physical and mental attacks gives it a slight edge in this category.

Scp 343 VS Scp 001 Gate Guardian Who Would Win?

Now, the ultimate question remains - who would win in a battle between Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian? While it is impossible to say for sure without witnessing such a battle, based on their individual abilities and strengths, it seems that Scp 343 may have a slight advantage.

Scp 343's reality-bending powers and immunity to all physical and mental attacks make it a formidable opponent that would be difficult for Scp 001 Gate Guardian to defeat. However, Scp 001 Gate Guardian's energy projection and reality warping abilities could potentially give it an advantage if used strategically.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between these two powerful SCPs would depend on various factors and circumstances. But one thing is for sure - it would be an epic and intense battle to witness.

Who is Stronger, Scp 343 or Scp 001 Gate Guardian?

It is difficult to determine who is stronger between Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian. Both SCPs possess incredibly powerful abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents in any situation. However, based on their individual powers and capabilities, it seems that Scp 343 may have a slight advantage over Scp 001 Gate Guardian.

Fictional Story Battle of Scp 343 VS Scp 001 Gate Guardian

To truly understand the potential outcome of a battle between Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian, let us imagine a fictional story where these two SCPs come face to face in an epic showdown.

The Foundation receives reports of strange occurrences happening in a small town near the location of Scp 001 Gate Guardian's containment. Upon investigation, they discover that Scp 343 has somehow managed to escape its containment and is wreaking havoc in the town.

As the Foundation scrambles to contain Scp 343, Scp 001 Gate Guardian senses the disturbance and makes its way towards the town. The two SCPs come face to face, and a fierce battle ensues.

Scp 343 uses its reality-bending powers to create barriers and obstacles to defend itself against Scp 001 Gate Guardian's energy blasts. However, Scp 001 Gate Guardian's reality-warping abilities allow it to manipulate the environment and create openings for its attacks.

As the battle rages on, it becomes clear that neither SCP can defeat the other with their current tactics. Scp 343 then decides to use its teleportation ability to try and outmaneuver Scp 001 Gate Guardian. However, Scp 001 Gate Guardian anticipates this move and uses its own teleportation to follow Scp 343.

The two SCPs continue to clash, each using their abilities to try and gain the upper hand. But in the end, it is Scp 343's immunity to all physical and mental attacks that proves to be the deciding factor. It unleashes a powerful blast of energy, knocking Scp 001 Gate Guardian off balance and giving it the opportunity to deliver the final blow.

In this fictional story, Scp 343 emerges as the victor in the battle against Scp 001 Gate Guardian. However, as we have established, the outcome of such a battle would depend on various factors and could go either way.


In conclusion, Scp 343 and Scp 001 Gate Guardian are two of the most powerful and enigmatic SCPs in existence. They possess incredible abilities and strengths that make them formidable opponents in any situation. While it is impossible to determine who would win in a battle between these two SCPs, based on their individual powers and capabilities, it seems that Scp 343 may have a slight advantage. However, one thing is for sure - a battle between these two powerful entities would be an epic and intense showdown that would leave us all in awe.

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